MW Mobile Blog

For friends, family and the random search engine visitor. This blog started as an experiment in mobile blogging from my Palm TREO 600, 700, Prē, HTC Evo, Samsung 5, Pixel 3, Pixel 6 Pro. Now it serves as a simple repository of favorite activities. Expect bad golf, good fishing, great sailing, eating, drinking, adventure travel, occasional politics and anything else I find interesting along the way including, but not limited to, any of the labels listed here...

Friday, November 30, 2018

Jump to the left, step to the right -MW Morpheus Log Day 10 -11/30 7:48 PM Ship Time (GMT)

Miles Traveled:1,747
Miles To Go (to Antigua): 999
Heading: 285
Current Speed: 7.5 knots
Fastest Ride so Far: Jim/Otto with a 17.2 Knot mark on 11/26
Butter Indicator: Nobody cares anymore

Thought of the Day:
"Number 9... Number 9... Number 9..." - The Beatles

Lets do the gybe warp again! Due to a lack of journalistic rigor in the official ships log, I cannot precisely report on the exact number of hours we were on the port gybe before taking a jump to the left and a step to the right at 10:17 this morning. Safe to say, it has been around 4 days, possibly as much as 50+ hours that we were a Center Left sailboat. We are now Center Right and those sleeping on the port side of the boat will have a more restful night. I may or may not have successfully recorded a 360 degree movie of the entire gybe maneuver which I will endeavor to post on this blog at some indefinite time in the future.

As of the time of this post, we broke triple digits in miles remaining on this passage. The new course puts us on a heading that is still a little South of Antigua, but we've got 999 miles to refine the course.

We had a cargo ship sighting overnight on Kim's watch, and we can see a sail about 4 miles distant on our starboard beam as I type this. AIS informs us this is the "ZED 7" Solo Sailor cranking along at 12 knots. First sightings since we saw three boats on the 25th.

Casino Morpheus:
The Antigua Arrival Betting Pool had to be expanded as we accepted a late entry from our honorary crew member and guardian weather angel, Gibb. He is predicting a December 5th 6:16 PM Atlantic Time arrival. Since no one on board can explain the difference between Atlantic Time and Ship Time, we've added a December 5th early arrival date to the pool.

Additional Antigua Arrival Pool Date: Dec 5
Hours:<< 0-4 [xx] 4-8 [xx] 8-12 [DJ] 12-15 [JG] 15-18 [KC] 18-21 [MW] 21-24 [DG]

We gave the fish another day off.

Food and Drink:
For Happy Hour we enjoyed Tinto Veranos, a refreshing red wine, lemon Fanta over ice concoction that is popular in Spain.

Yogurt Fruit and Nut Medley for breakfast. Everyone had to pick out their M&M's and give them to Jim. Ham and Cheese wraps for lunch. Chicken and mushroom risotto for dinner. All great. - mw

Movie Night:
With continuing benign conditions, Movie Night on the Mainsail is becoming a nightly event. Quentin Tarrentino tonight.

My intent is to cross-post daily logs to my blog MW Mobile Blog ( and Jim & Deb's Morpheus Sailing Blog from SailMail. Due to the technology limitations, these will be short -text only - posts. I'll backfill pictures and video once I am home again.

PostScript - All on-board have an opportunity to add comments here on the bottom of post prior to transmission if they so desire:

All of the above is some straight up sh-- from trip scribe and historian MIke W.
Noon yesterday to noon today run: 194.5 nm.
Wash day for me. 2 loads- DJ

Sent via SailMail,

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