Time passes...
Fire trucks are gone, but still no power. Cell phone camera still works though.
UPDATE: False alarm. When the power goes out in the building, it trips the fire alarm. Seems like a bug that needs fixing. Power back. Uploaded better pics.
Sharp Park Golf Course seems set to close
Greg Quiroga-S.F. Golf Examiner
"Now that the election is over we may finally see some movement on this issue. Here's my call: San Francisco will keep Lincoln as an 18-hole course, but with the goal of making it actually profitable. There is no place to readily convert Lincoln to a usable 9-hole course, and build soccer fields. The place is too hilly, and any layout that would make for a good 9 would include the flatest fairways. Sharp Park will be sacrificed to the naturalists and soccer fields. There are lots of flat fairways to choose from to create soccer fields while still leaving plenty of space to create a large buffer zone around the wetlands habitat.I could be wrong. Either way, you should get out and play Sharp Park course while you can. Winter is on the way, and those wetlands are only going to get wetter this year."