Jeff and Katie arrived Sunday; Robyn and Roy on Monday; Dad and I arrived Wednesday; Harlan and Jonah on Thursday; Wendy, Kristy, Erik on Friday; then Karl and Brian early Saturday. It's a full house. We are considering this a stress test of the new septic system.
Even with the new addition, sleeping arrangements were a challenge
Kristy learned that air mattresses work better if the valve is closed.
Friday Fish Fry at Jack's Hideaway
The locals could not be happier to see papa back in town
Not all in the clan were happy to see each other ...
Apparently Delilah and Gryff disagreed about who owns the Shag Lake turf.
The clan gathers for dinner at camp...

Slow cooked Boeuf Bourguignon by Harlan, sea shell pasta shrimp salad by Wendy, mashed potatoes and mushroom gravy by Robyn, corn and more. It was a fantastic feast. I've given up trying to get a good expression on everyone at the same time on self timed group shots. This was the best we could do.
UPDATE: Ripped Harlan's much better pics for the clan feast: