-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Sonnet for a Shag Lake Visit
Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2002 15:39:00 -0800
From: mw
To: Family
Sonnet for a Shag Lake Visit
Iambic Pentameter in Shakespearean Sonnet Format
Illustrated with Digital Photographs
by mw
First Quatrain
Iambic Pentameter in Shakespearean Sonnet Format
Illustrated with Digital Photographs
by mw
First Quatrain
While winter's water at Shag ran high.
And the Forties harvest was made complete,
The garden of Harlan and Mom and was nigh,
Second Quatrain
Poppa declared the lake is like glass,
The Escanaba became a property line,
Mom assuredly captured the bass,
And the Neumann reunion was particularly fine.
Third Quatrain
Smoked turkey and chubs fed the clan
And a fish fry of bluegills, not undersized bass.
Electric hot water is in the plan
After talking and talking about liquefied natural gas.
Final Couplet

And a fish fry of bluegills, not undersized bass.
Electric hot water is in the plan
After talking and talking about liquefied natural gas.
Final Couplet
Departing we left Ladyslippers still shy.
While turtles basked under a sun filled sky.