E-mailed Report from of the January 18, 2003 protest on the streets of San Francisco.
Your fearless reporter wades into the crowd armed only with a digital camera.Yesterday, my hometown of San Francisco was the focus of the west coast peace movement in what the local paper described as a "huge protest". Seeking the truth, I joined the march myself. Anticipating that the SF Chronicle coverage would be less than adequate, I decided to take this opportunity to explore a new career as an investigative photojournalist. You are the beneficiaries of my initial efforts.I was impressed with the range and diversity represented by this broad coalition for peace. Some examples:
Giant Soft Pretzels for Peace.The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence for Peace.Tango Dancers for Peace.Garlic Fries for Peace.Illiterate Anti-Semites for Peace.Back Masseuses for Peace.Stupid People for Peace.Of course, there were a few malcontents who completely missed the point.
Next, I decided to seek out crisp, clear, logical articulations of the arguments against the war as revealed by the protest signage:
Many signs spoke eloquently of the reasons for peace.While I found a few of the arguments to be a bit specious......other arguments were compelling.