One of the odd things about Paris - at least in this neighborhood - it is practically impossible to find somewhere to buy coffee "to go". By this I mean coffee in a paper cup with plastic lid. You know, like you get from Starbucks. Don't get me wrong, the coffee in Paris is great, as good or better as anywhere in the world. You can get great coffee or espresso drinks on practically every street corner, but just try and walk out of a cafe with a tall cup of coffee in your hand. I don't get it.
We walk to the the
l'Isle Saint-Louis, stopping for a coffee at cafe near the hotel.By the way - one cafe creme, one capuccino cost 10.30 Euros, which at current exchange rates, comes up to $16.70 at a corner cafe. Plus tip. Starbuck's got nothing on these guys. Thank you George W. Bush, for converting the dollar into a 3rd world currency in seven short years.
Exploring the Isle was a pleasure. It was a part of Paris we had overlooked on previous trips. Quaint shops and restaurants, interesting apartments, and a seemingly slower pace with lighter crowds. We came across several fashion photo shoots qround the isle. The reduced traffic and great backgrounds must make it a preferred location.

We stop at a charming little shop "
La Petite Scierie" specializing in duck delicacies. The proprietor - Paul Duoys - prepares the foie gras himself from his 20 acre farm. He was a delight. We buy a couple of jars of preserved foie gras, which Paul assures us we can bring anywhere into the US - except Chicago. We do not know whether we will bring it home or eat it here.

As we are taking this picture outside of the shop, a French woman walks by and exclaims sarcastically
"Sacre Bleu! Americans buying foie gras! Heresy!" She then laughingly takes a picture of the foie gras eating Americans to preserve for posterity. Personally, I think the whole foie gras "PC" thing is complete rubbish. It is one thing for a vegan to criticize foie gras, but anyone who eats any industrial meat or dairy product like beef, pork, chicken or eggs, has absolutely nothing to say about foie gras as far as I am concerned.

We enjoy a late lunch at Brasserie de l'Ile St-Louis, an eatery dating back to 1870...

I have the daily special "
Veal Provence"...

Sigrid has pate'...

...we share a Friesee' salad with lardon...

... and a bottle of George Dubceuf Cote-de-Brouilly. The man in the blue sweatshirt strikes up a conversation with us. We discuss US and French politics, Obama, Sarkosy, and the 35 hour work week. His name is Vincent, has lived in Paris most of his life, is building a business in China, and gave us some more dining advice for Paris.
We don't mind the light rain as we enjoy some of the sights on the walk back to the hotel.

I on't know what this guy was fishing for, but he had four lines in the Seine.
Gallery Kevorkian? We didn't go in. 
The street where we live - Rue des Saint Des Peres.
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